Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Our First CLE Presented by the Newnan-Coweta Bar Association

My colleagues and I at the Newnan-Coweta Bar Association had an idea about a year ago to offer learning opportunities in our neck of the woods for issues that our local attorneys were facing.  With the Georgia Legislators adopting new evidence rules beginning in January 2013, the time was finally ripe to put on an event.  In the past, our Bar ran into obstacles when trying to put something together but Sandy Wisenbaker, Matthew Swope, Clif Sandlin and I decided to throw caution to the wind.

Today was the first in what we hope to be many learning and social opportunities for our Bar.  Prof. Liza Karsai, from Atlanta's John Marshall Law School, spent two hours with about 35 of us going over the changes to the new GA Evidence Code, and I believe everyone left with some extra knowledge on the subject.  I've got my homework, and a new book to buy and read, but more importantly I'm excited to see what lies ahead for our group.

I am incredibly proud of our Bar for being able to present and attend such a successful CLE.  The hardest aspect of motion is breaking the inertia and starting to move at all.  Now that the Newnan-Coweta Bar has taken the first step, I'm hoping the second step comes a little easier.


John D. Duncan is president of J.D. Duncan, PC, founding partner of Prater, Duncan & Craig, LLC in Newnan, Georgia, and is Esquire by Day.  You can find him at www.jdduncanlaw.com, or follow him on twitter and Facebook.

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